"30 Days of Notice Period" - #5

#5 A picture of somewhere you've been to

Well, this is a picture of Bantony Castle, an abandoned castle on mall road in Shimla, one of the busiest places there. This is a huge house, thats stands majestically next to Grand hotel and if you don't wait to really look at it, you won't really notice it. It is not a creepy house, as such, just abandoned and forgotten. It actually is very pretty if you take the time to look at it. 
Just a random fact, the government plans to convert it to a museum soon. 

One fine evening while taking a stroll, my hyperactive imagination got activated and I started thinking about its history. It used to be the summer house of a lot of Lords during the British era. I was a little disappointed when I read up on it. I thought there would be some sort of a mystery to the house, or maybe just a ghost lurking in the attic. If you happen to go to Shimla for a vacation, do walk by this house, you might spot a ghost!


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#10 Something you always think "What if" about

30 days of my Notice Period