Book Recommendations

 I love reading books. My motto is - never be without books. I make it a point to read at least 12 books every year, a goal that I have managed to achieve last year and this year as well. I plan to stick to this for the rest of my life. I am the kind of person who carries books everywhere. And I mean everywhere. 

As a kid, I used to read a lot of fiction, starting from the likes of the Sweet Valley series and Harry Potter series to a lot of Jeffery Archer. As of late, I have started reading a lot of non-fiction. This is a fairly recent phenomenon, circa 2018. Most of the books I read are recommendations from my closest friends or cousins. I have built quite a repository of totally kickass books, so I thought I would share some of those here as well. I am going to try to write my review of the books I read much like Bill Gates in gates notes.


All time highs

Where are the "Friends" now?

The Blockchain of Trust

Old Manali - Alternate realities

Is ignorance really bliss?

30 days of my Notice Period

India is Akbar Birbal and Tenali Rama: हमने कभी फर्क नहीं किया

Exam times!

#10 Something you always think "What if" about

Discovering Serenity: A Digital Detox in the Tranquil Embrace of Shimla

An amazing course!