Discovering Serenity: A Digital Detox in the Tranquil Embrace of Shimla

I have been in Shimla for almost a full week now. Despite my phone usually having full bars, here it struggles to catch even one or two. The internet on my phone is practically non-existent, and the wifi makes me feel like I'm 10 years old again. Life here is a stark contrast to Bangalore, where I have been residing for about two years. Bangalore is the epicenter of start-ups and technology, and my daily life is intricately intertwined with various tech applications. From the moment I wake up until I try to fall asleep using my white noise app, there is always some app assisting me.

If I were to count, there would be easily over 100 apps on my phone. These aren't dormant apps that I use occasionally; these are tools I rely on regularly. Despite numerous attempts to declutter and eliminate unnecessary apps, I always seem to hover around the 100-mark.

In Bangalore, my phone dictates my daily routine – from office tasks to meals, ordering groceries, managing expenses, staying updated with news, utilizing fitness apps, and indulging in entertainment. My phone is constantly buzzing with notifications. Here in Shimla, however, it's a different story – serene and silent. My phone has finally found peace. The lack of notifications is not due to my ignoring them but because, most of the time, there is no internet. And on the rare occasions it connects, none of the apps seem to function in Shimla.

Initially, it felt strange – my phone in my pocket, so quiet, almost as if it were upset with me. But now, I've grown to appreciate it. I am not tethered to my phone with every 'ting.' It's refreshing to be away from constant ads, offers, and meticulously curated updates on friends' lives, complete with their new cat and all. It's liberating not to be compulsively checking my phone. Engaging in face-to-face conversations with people, rather than staring at our phones, has become a welcomed change. This unintentional digital detox is something I would recommend to everyone. Whether it's an occasional break or when life becomes overwhelming, finding a place with minimal cell service, and spending a few days there can be genuinely therapeutic.

So, go ahead, find a place where your apps don't work!


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