Exam times!

Normally, we find ourselves constantly postponing tasks, whether they be our daily chores or other planned activities. After all, procrastination tends to be ingrained in our nature. However, there comes a specific period, usually lasting 15-20 days, in every student's life when suddenly nothing can be delayed any longer. Everything must be accomplished immediately and with perfection. I believe you all can relate to what I'm referring to—the exam period!

During this time, students will go to great lengths to avoid studying. Even those of us who typically neglect cleanliness may suddenly feel an irresistible urge to tidy up our rooms and make them spotless. The rest of the year, it might look as if a hurricane just passed through, but during these crucial 15 days, everything needs to be in perfect order.

Image result for exam times imagesPeople suddenly realize they need to lose weight, buy groceries, or reach out to that aunt who called two months ago! For some of us, we attempt to broaden our creative horizons. Take me, for example—I've always wanted to write a blog, but never found the time. Now, with exams just five days away, I'm posting every day! We'll do anything to avoid those wretched books.

Miraculous transformations seem to be occurring. The usually lazy ones are tidying up their rooms, insomniacs are sleeping all day, and you might spot someone outside their room attempting to tune their guitar before a fluids final. Currently, I'm supposed to be studying biophysics, but here I am, writing about procrastination.

The night before the exam, everyone is frantically cramming information, wishing they had studied earlier, and making resolutions to attend all classes and start fresh the next semester. However, these resolutions are often forgotten the moment exams conclude. The entire cycle repeats itself from scratch.

Well, I should now get back to studying; there's too much work ahead.


  1. Blog wog dhoka hai ... Padhlo beti mauka hai :p :p

  2. Blog wog dhoka hai ... Padhlo beti mauka hai :p :p

  3. Haha! Mann hi nhi ho rha pappa :P


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