Bengaluru days

Week four of lockdown is about to end and I have spent an extremely lazy Saturday. I am leaving for Ambala tomorrow for an indefinite amount of time or as the kid who brings chaos would say, it's only till June 17th. We're sitting here, a little high, listening to songs from all eras, and then a friend plays a song that reminds me of Bangalore, a place I have spent a lot of time trying to forget. 
The exact scene I have in mind is the road in front of the Forum Mall staring down the road to my first flat. And it's late at night, so it's mostly deserted and it is kinda dark. This is it. That is the picture in my head now. 

Forum Mall was this mall in front of our office and we spent a lot of time there. I had watched countless movies there with my then-work wife. Every time a new movie came, we were there, almost the first in line. It didn't matter how bad the movie was or how late we'd worked in the office. We watched every movie. A trend we continued in Gurgaon as well, before the asshole decided to move again. Sorry, I went off-topic.

Back to Bangalore, yes. Bangalore was a tough two years for me. Lots and lots of change within a small amount of time. But it was my coming of age. It was the first time I had complete independence and control of my finances. So in short, I had total freedom to run my life the way I wanted to and I did. I miss that freedom, the recklessness, and the spontaneity. I did make bad decisions, but had a hell of a time making them! I think that is how it is with bad decisions, they're awful, but the ride down is pretty fucking awesome! We would drive to the other end of the city just because. 

We would spend weekends drinking whiskey, eating Maggi, and playing all sorts of card games. Life was fun. Life was easy. There was no urgency to do anything, there was ample time and space for mistakes. Life had a buffer. 

As bad as I make it out to be, it was just as much fun, or maybe even more. 


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