Some things on my mind.

There are many things in the world people hold very closely and dearly. Their loved ones, their possessions, memories, family, friends and much more. But there is one thing that we all could bear to pay more attention to, it is self-respect. You can do everything right and still end up in a dumpster, but what is most important in life is that you respect yourself more than anyone else. It is very common and rather natural to do things for the people we love. These things sometimes may take a toll on us too! I am not saying that you shouldn't go above and beyond for someone you love, but you need to know when to draw the line and stop sticking your neck out for someone else. That is what self-respect is all about. Respecting yourself and your feeling more than anyone else in the whole world. There is no one good enough in this world for you to get clobbered over again and again. Just have a little faith, and I know that it going to be hard, so buckle your seat belt and hit the breaks before you let yourself go!

Also just a couple of things on my mind tonight I would like to say
- Never do something if it doesn't come straight from the heart.
- Always always help people in any way that you can.
- Say thank you to anybody who does something for you,even something as trivial as holding the door open.


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