Who has the time?

We could be sitting at John's right now with our whiskeys just right, and some cabo on the way, cheese garlic naan on the table and the chinese bhel right there. It wouldn't be the best goan weather, but we're by the sea, and that makes everything better. You can taste the salt in the air and its home.
John would come and greet us because even though we graduated some four years ago, we still come back, we always come back. How can we not?

I mean isn't Johns the place where we had our first birthday treats, consequent breakup parties where someone gets really drunk, that spur of the moment date where we had to hitch a ride back with strangers, the lunch that turned into dinner when your favourite senior was leaving campus, the place where the entire batch would get drunk come graduation night and the first place we all felt like family?

We could be laughing about my idiosyncrasies, listening to the same old songs on karaoke, sitting on that porch, making up the drinks we've missed all this time apart, the promotions, the birthdays, the new jobs and the breakup. We make up for all of that in one night. We have to. That is all we have. Those two days in Goa and that one night at Johns. That has to be one of the best night of my year, each year.

We could be doing this more often, but no. Who would feed the gods of office, when the client comes yelling through the door, who will work till late night and feel underappreciated without friends taking you out for a late-night Maggi at foodking, who will fight traffic just to get home and open the laptop again, who will be stuck in this mundanity and frustration we call our life? Who has the time?


All time highs

Where are the "Friends" now?

The Blockchain of Trust

Old Manali - Alternate realities

Is ignorance really bliss?

Discovering Serenity: A Digital Detox in the Tranquil Embrace of Shimla

An amazing course!

Exam times!

30 days of my Notice Period

India is Akbar Birbal and Tenali Rama: हमने कभी फर्क नहीं किया

#10 Something you always think "What if" about