

Life never fails to amaze me. At every step it has something new in store for us and not just this it makes us do things we couldn't have imagined even in our wildest dreams..! For instance in my entire life i never thought i'd be able to live so far away from home, in a place where i don't get to see my parents everyday, fight with my brother or go crazy with my best friends..! But look here i am..its been seven whole months..and i am living life..making it through each day...its is a very big price to pay despite the fact that it is for the making of a new life..

It is tough...but what scares me the most is that i can learn to live without being around the most important people in my further will life take me..and moreover how far will i be willing to go...


Everything in life has become a it academics of have to do everything and also be the best at all of them..even if you don't have the slightest interest in it..
If i stop for a moment to think..i see everyone zooming past me..doing something or the other but never stopping even for a second...its like everyone is following an algorithm to success..not realising that the real job is to write your own code rather than following someone else..
Have we stopped thinking because it is easier or it is  just convenient this way or because we simply don't have time and the one who stops gets left behind..
Here i sit in the library of BITS Pilani trying to think, wanting to explore further but i stop myself right there because i have an assignment due tomorrow...that is what i think the cause is..we all have our assignments in life...


All time highs

Where are the "Friends" now?

The Blockchain of Trust

Old Manali - Alternate realities

Is ignorance really bliss?

Discovering Serenity: A Digital Detox in the Tranquil Embrace of Shimla

An amazing course!

Exam times!

30 days of my Notice Period

India is Akbar Birbal and Tenali Rama: हमने कभी फर्क नहीं किया

#10 Something you always think "What if" about